Saturday, December 7, 2013

Advent Week 1
Hope For Those Who Wait

Saturday, December 7

Hurry up and wait.
How many times have we used that phrase or heard it repeated at us? A common expression, yet one that rings so true.
Let’s face it. We are a civilization that does not wait very well. We want answers now, so we dial up Siri and ask oursmartphones to tell us where the nearest steakhouse is or what actor played on episode 175 of some obscure sitcom that we just saw. You want me to wait for something? I can’t wait. I have to be on the road NOW!
Our civilization of impatience is not something that just happened. Why even the sleepy town of Mayberry had to wrestle with visitors who just couldn’t fathom the thought of waiting until Monday to get their car fixed. The Man in A Hurry paced on the porch and just couldn’t understand why Barney just didn’t go on and get a pop and then to Thelma Lou’s to watch TV.
How many times do we act like the Man in a Hurry? Nothing good can ever come if we have to wait for something to happen, can it?
Why the Advent season itself is nothing but waiting. Waiting for a few days off from work. Waiting for family and friends to gather to celebrate and exchange gifts. Waiting for that glorious feast of family recipes.
We wait and hope for all of these things to happen, impatiently perhaps, but we wait. Why does it take so long? Maybe God is telling us to take a deep breath, slow down and savor the season. Not in agony or being miserable….but savor the excitement of what is to come, embracing the opportunity to learn and grow.
We must embrace the chance to hurry up and wait for the good that will come. The Man In A Hurry learned to savor a quiet Sunday afternoon in a sleepy town. Surely the least we can do is Hurry Up and Wait and savor the season that brings the birth of a child – a special child that will make it all worthwhile.

Steve McClain

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